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Número del Artículo 270
PB3 finds that helping isn't always as easy as it seems and it's important to think before you act!
PB3 and his robot, Robin, are with their Earth friends, Ben and Sue finding out about life at the beach. Suddenly the evil OOs arrive in their spaceship and try to catch them. In their hurry to escape the two ETs dive into the water and discover another world under the sea. In their attempt to help some grey fish they put them in great danger. Ben and Sue help them to understand but can they put the situation right again?
Grammar and structuress
present simple, present progressive,
have got for, possessions, verb +
infinitive, conjunctions: and but
prepositions of place, can / can't,
there's / there are
It's more difficult than, it looks, It's
better, It's time for …, I've got an
idea!, Ooops!, Oh dear!, Goodbye,
come again soon!
In this Reader you will find:
Games and language activities | An audio recording of the story | A picture dictionary
The natura | World | Helping Thinking about consequences